Teach With Us!

Join Our Teaching Staff!
Interested in becoming involved with TMV at the teaching level? We would love to hear from you!
​For all prospective instructors, please submit the following information in a PDF document to tmv@themusicvillage.org
A brief bio of yourself
Contact information (phone number and email)
Your qualifications
Syllabus including:
Description of the course you’d like to teach
Goals and objectives of the proposed course
Minimum of 8 detailed lesson plans
If proposed course is progressive, provide additional syllabus information for continuing beyond the first 8 weeks
Your available teaching days and times
What age groups are you comfortable teaching?
What age groups would you like to offer classes for at The Music Village?
At least one professional reference
Please note: We need all of the above information in a printable PDF document before moving on to a background check.
Our teaching staff is made up of both volunteers and paid staff. Please let us know if this is a volunteer opportunity for you or if you are interested in a paid position. We happily work with both!