Frequently Asked Questions & Class Policies
Q: How much do lessons cost?
Private lessons are $33 per 30-minute lesson, $47 per 45-minute lesson, and $60 per 60-minute lesson, and they are purchased as a lesson credit package through These packages are sold in quantities of 5, 15, 25, and 55 credits.
Visit the Tuition rates & Credit Purchase page to learn more!
Q: How do lesson packages work?
New students are required to pay for their lesson credit package before the first lesson. Continuing students will receive automatic emails when there are two (2) credits remaining in the student’s account. The option of auto-renewal is available for your convenience. Three or more unpaid lessons will result in the student being placed on hold until they have purchased a new lesson package.
Q: What do I do if I need to cancel or reschedule my lesson?
Our instructors are local, professional musicians who have reserved a special lesson time just for you! Because of this, we have the following attendance policies:
Private lessons canceled by the student or parent at least 24 hours in advance will be credited or a make-up lesson will be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor. Lessons canceled with less than 24 hours notice will not be credited.
Arriving late to your lesson shortens your lesson time, and the missed portion will not be made up or credited.
If the instructor cancels a private lesson for any reason, a make-up lesson will be scheduled, or the student’s account will be credited. If the instructor cancels a group lesson for any reason, it will be credited.
In the event of cancellation, please contact your instructor directly as soon as possible.
Q: What is TMV's refund policy?
The Music Village does not offer refunds for group and/or private lessons, classes, workshops, and/or other fee-based activities. Any remaining balance of funds prepaid by the client and after all services have been rendered per The Music Village program delivery policy shall be transferred into The Music Village Music For All tuition assistance fund which offers need-based tuition assistance to eligible The Music Village students and program participants.
Q: Do lessons still happen on federal holidays?
The Music Village building will be closed on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day, in addition to Thanksgiving and Winter Break. Lessons/classes will not take place on days when the building is closed. Make sure to coordinate an alternate lesson time with your instructor in advance! The office may be closed on other Federal Holidays, but some lessons/classes may still occur at the discretion of the instructor.
For Thanksgiving and Winter breaks, TMV follows the South Bend Community School Corporation's calendar.
Q: What does TMV do on days with severe weather?
The Music Village follows the South Bend Community School Corporation weather-related closings. If The Music Village needs to close due to severe weather conditions, a notice will be posted on Facebook, and your instructor will contact you directly to reschedule.